So Here's A Story About How Ashley Judd Almost Got Kentucky In Trouble With The NCAA

Ashley Judd could be one of the more annoying of the celebrity super-fans. It is adorable when famous people are so vocal about their teams, but screamin' Ashley just tends to overdo it a bit. We get it. You love Kentucky. You wear tight shirts that say Kentucky across your boobs. Now stop yelling so much. Moving on. Judd went on the Dan Patrick show today to give the Calipari hire her blessing and the relayed a story about how she once almost broke an NCAA violation rule when she almost gave Tayshaun Prince's mother a ride. From Sports Radio Interviews: "I once offered Tayshaun Prince's mother a ride somewhere and someone came running up to me afterwards saying "Honey, you can't do that."… She's the most precious woman, she drove the publ…