Australians Have Once Again Gone Wild At The Melbourne Cup

Today is Melbourne Cup day, the most wonderful time of the year, the designated and officially sanctioned horserace/alcohol drinking competition when thousands and thousands of Aussies dress up in their finest duds and get blitzed while intrepid photographers capture it all in order to delight of the rest of us. Last year’s Melbourne Cup photo roundup was especially memorable, and the blokes and sheilas in attendance this time around had much to live up to. Whether they did or did not surpass their drunken countrymen in slouching, stumbling inebriation and ridiculous camera poses is up for you, the viewer, to decide. But I can report that, by crikey, these racegoers did their damnedest to compete: Photo credit: Scott Barbour/ [object Object] Photo credit: Scott Barbour/ [object Objec…